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ISS Virtual Secondary Library Learning Center: Knowledge and Politics

Home page for the secondary library at the International School of Stavanger

Knowledge and Politics


Examines the nature and variety of power, the tensions between fact and opinion, and the nature of political deliberations.

Key questions:
What gives validity to knowledge claims in politics?
What issues does politics raise in the difference between knowledge and opinion?
Is everything political?
Do we have a civic duty? How do we decide when civic duty clashes with our ethics?
What role does emotion play in the formation of political affinities or voting
decisions? Why do facts not change our minds?

Key Concepts

What is the nature of political power

Which voices get heard in politics?  How is that decided?  On what grounds might an individual believe that they know what is right for others?

What role does knowledge play in the formation of political affinities, or voting decisions?

Source: Information is Beautiful


Dig a Little Deeper...

To what extent is emotive language used to manipulate us in politics?

Does the way we communicate knowledge impact political understanding?  How are ‘facts’ and statistics used and abused in politics?

Can political knowledge be separated from values?  Which comes first: politics or values?

To what extent do labels and names create motivated seeing in knowers?

What role does emotion play in our political decisions?


Should political beliefs shape our understanding of and response to art and the artist?