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Comparative Study - IB Visual Arts

Criteria A: Identification and analysis of formal qualities

To what extent does the work demonstrate:

• informed identification and analysis of the formal qualities of the selected artworks, objects and artifacts?

Criteria B: Analysis and understanding of function and purpose

To what extent does the work demonstrate:

• informed analysis and understanding of the function and purpose of the selected artworks, objects and artifacts within the cultural context in which they were created?

Candidates who do not examine and compare at least three artworks by at least two different artists from at least two contrasting cultural contexts will not be awarded a mark higher than 2 in this criterion.

Criteria C: Analysis and evaluation of cultural significance

To what extent does the work demonstrate:

• informed analysis and evaluation of the cultural significance of the selected artworks, objects and artifacts within the specific context in which they were created (such as the cultural, sociopolitical and historical significance of the works, with respect to the original audience and purpose, as well as to a contemporary audience)?

Candidates who do not examine and compare at least three artworks by at least two different artists from at least two contrasting cultural contexts will not be awarded a mark higher than 2 in this criterion.

Criteria D: Making comparisons and connections

To what extent does the work demonstrate:

• effective critical analysis and discussion of the connections, similarities and differences between the selected artworks, objects and artifacts?

Candidates who do not examine and compare at least three artworks by at least two different artists will not be awarded a mark higher than 3 in this criterion.

Criteria E: Presentation and subject-specific language

To what extent does the work:

• ensure that information is conveyed clearly and coherently in a visually appropriate and legible manner, supported by the consistent use of appropriate subject-specific language?

Criteria F: Making connections to own art-making practice (HL ONLY)

To what extent does the work:

• analyse and evaluate the outcomes of the comparative study investigation and on how this has influenced the student’s own development as an artist, identifying connections between one or more of the selected works and the student’s own art-making processes and practices?